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"The Salty Blondes"

Our Salty Blonde family started back in 2009 when we were blessed with an amazing dog named Skipper (left). 5 years later, we added his nephew, Tucker (right). We were living in Southern California at the time and these two went everywhere (I mean EVERYWHERE!) with us. Most weekends were spent  on our boat, "Salty Blondes".

During the week they would be with mommy at her salon cuddling with clients and adding cheer to all who entered. The winter months there were many trips to the East coast to visit friends and family. Skipper and Tucker were excellent frequent flyers! 

Right around the time we were ready to get back to our roots and move to Cape Cod, we acquired "Teddie" who was a cousin of Skipper and Tucker. Almost a year later, we found out Teddie's brother, Charlie needed a home. We decided to "foster" him for a long weekend to see if any friends or family would be interested. There was no way we could manage 4 labs?! Right!? Wrong! After 3 days we called our breeder and told her we would keep him. Our pack was complete!

We all lived in harmony in our beautiful home on Cape Cod. After about a year and a half the two brothers were having some sibling issues so a very good friend of ours who had recently lost his lab offered to take Teddie for the weekend. The two became fast friends and are still together today! We miss our Teddie but know he is living his best life!  

Shortly after our sweet Tucker boy turned 7 his mommy noticed something like a little raspberry in his mouth. Sadly we found out that it was a bleeding oral tumor that quickly spread throughout Tucker's jaw and into his lymph nodes. Surgery was not an options so we opted to try to keep our little guy around a little longer by providing him the best treatment at Angell Memorial in Boston. Tucker started 18 days of radiation shortly after we had welcomed our first child into the world at Cape Cod Hospital. Tucker took to the treatment very well, but unfortunately it did not give us as much time as we had hoped. We said goodbye the best way we could in July 2021 with our family in our backyard where he lays in peace. Any of you who have lost a dog know how devastating this is. We felt a hole in our hearts in our pack without Tucker there. We shared the news with our breeder who immediately shared that when we were ready she had the perfect dog for us. After a few months, we were ready to welcome little Bugsy to our family. He is Tucker's "Grand nephew" and reminds us so much of him! 

Skipper will be 13 this year and is showing signs of aging, but still kicking! Our days today are filled with lots of love and licks from our three Salty Blondes.

We are proud parents of these boys and are thrilled to start a company inspired by them! 

Love and Labs, Frankie and Lauren


It was on our boat, "Salty Blondes" when we made the first collars and leashes! We wanted something sturdy we could pull the boys out of the water with and were tired of their "fraying" collars that would need replacing often with our lifestyle. Why not make them with boat line?!


NAME: Skipper

AGE: 12

NICKNAME: Mr. P (for perticular), Senior P


-Sofa and pillow inspection prior to jumping up

-Parades around with a toy after he eats 

-Takes his time>>> with everything! 

STRENGTHS: Always the last one with the toy

WEAKNESSES: Getting anywhere quickly


Meet the Salty Blondes


NAME: Tucker

AGE: 7 (RIP)

NICKNAME: Nana, TNT, 47, Scratchy O'NanaHe


-Red Lights (a lick with his huge tongue that would pause in the middle of the lick.

-Heading upstairs to sit on the guest bed when we would watch Patriot games and yell "pick!"

STRENGTHS: Affection, Jumping up, Whining

WEAKNESSES: Being left alone, Foreign object eating


NAME: Teddie

AGE: 3

NICKNAME: Teddo, Deedoo,  Kickstand Kenny, Alerter


-Sitting with his leg out like a kickstand

-Holds the tip of anything he picks up

- Sad Eyes



NAME: Charlie

AGE: 3

NICKNAME: CB, Charlie Bear, Carlos, Charlos, No Bad Days 


-Toy Obsessed - Ready to play at 3am or anytime. Wags his head and butt and bangs tail against the wall. 

- Grunts, Snores, and Yawns LOUD

STRENGTHS: Retrieving  the Ball

WEAKNESSES: Food  Obsessed- Counter Surfer

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NAME: Bugsy

AGE: 1

NICKNAME: Bugs, Bugs Wugs, Bugsy Bear


-Sleeps upside down in a "C" curve

-Enjoys indépendant patrolling of the backyard

-Has the deep bark of a giant mastiff

STRENGTHS: Affection, Cuddling

WEAKNESSES: Leaving the house

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